Spotlight: Harmonia's Discussion & Comment System
Did you know that Harmonia offers students and teachers an online discussion and comment board?
Our discussion board facilitates the learning process between teacher and student by offering students an easy way to post comments and ask questions right from our website.
Students often have questions while reading theory lessons or completing homework exercises. In such cases, students can log in to the Harmonia website, ask a question, and await a response. All comments and responses are logged and attached to specific assignments for easy reference.
So how does it work?
Step 1: In the Harmonia app, complete and submit an assignment. If you have a question or a comment about the assignment, proceed to Step 2.
Step 2: Log in to the to the Harmonia website. Find your course in the Dashboard and locate your submitted assignment under the Assignment Status tab. Click "View" to see your submission.

Step 3: In the comment box to the right, type and submit your comment. The Harmonia Server will send an email message to the course instructor, which prompts him/her to respond in the same website portal.

Step 4a: Following the link provided in the Harmonia Server email alert, an instructor may log in to the Harmonia website, answer the student question in the text box on the right as seen above, prompting another automated email response, this time to the student. Students may likewise find comments from teachers under the "Assignment Status" tab in the course Dashboard.

Step 4b: Instructors may also respond to comments by clicking on the "Discussion" tab in the course menu. The assignment set and specific assignment will be highlighted for easy visibility.

Students and teachers may submit multiple comments for a single assignment and all comments attached to an assignment are logged and saved for future reference.
It should be noted that comments do not automatically update on the Harmonia website. Users will need to manually refresh the website to view new comments in real time.
Harmonia's Discussion & Comment feature provides students an easy system for posting questions about their homework or theory lecture. Whether you are teaching or learning music theory in a traditional classroom, in a flipped classroom model, or in an online course environment, Harmonia's comment system may be a helpful tool for you. Try it in your course and let us know what you think. We always like to hear from you since your comments help us make Harmonia a better product for you.